A sampling of graphic design work for various brands and photographic work for social media campaigns, websites and standalone printed works.
Click a sample image to zoom in.
Brand Imagery
Digital imagery attracts the eye and embodies the look and feel of your business, website, social media, brochure, poster or business card. Our client samples embody a museum’s classic architecture, a business card, images for social-media, military unit coin design, a lawyer’s brand, and some teddy bears.
Social Media Icons
A component of any branding strategy is reflecting your brand in browser tab icons, social media profile icons, and device home screen buttons for one touch access to your website or app.
Printed Media
The first example is a brochure to promote Rotary Club membership and presents the clubs goals and objectives. The second example is our EduMethods brochure.
Photographic Work
We created a painting from a bad photograph. These two horses, Dusty and Mia, had long been the King and Queen of the Korns stable. The best photo we had of them together was "not so great" as it was portrait orientation and cropped off Dusty's ears. So we to zoomed in, extended the sky, switched to landscape, fixed the cropped ears, used an oil painting effect, and added a mat.
Composites & Merging 01
Prior to opening this business wanted photography showing the completed entry door which had been removed to be reconditioned by a carpenter. We were able to simulate the presence of the reconditioned entry door as well as making the sky more interesting.
Composites & Merging 02
We helped develop a special gift for a new and thriving local makeup artist. She has long been an admirer of Marilyn Monroe so from photos of both her and Marilyn we found a best match and a way to blend them into a perfect framed gift for her new studio.
Composites & Merging 03
Group photos are not always easy. On my last day of work I managed to get a group photo of all my co-workers. Turns out not everyone was there that day and given flu season and vacation days it took another 7 photos over several weeks to get everyone's photo. Through cutting, pasting, layering, cropping we were able to assemble all 38 of my co-workers.
Time-lapse Photography
Time-lapse photograghy illustrate change over time. The trick is taking the sequence of photos from the same postion and editing to line them up. We took photos when we added shutters to the house, the next day we added wreaths after a snowfall, and later that day after the snow began to melt. These are low-quality versions of the photos with the last being the time-lapse.